
Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Clean Ups?

New york City- I don't exactly remember the year... But it was about 1985-6 or so. The first R68 (Graffiti-proof) train was being tested on the A line. I actually took a trip to the A line to scope out my new canvas... Cause I knew I had to be the first motherfucker to hit it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sane182 R.I.P

I spoke to Reps KD LOB today and he really got me thinking about the past. I started thinking about friends that are no longer with us today and regrets. I first hooked up with Sane at Henry's studio (84-85) and we went to 175th a few times and I took him to Ocean Parkway and Sheepshead Bay. He took me to the 1 line in and out spot near South Ferry (those that know... know LOL) and then I pretty much stopped fucking with transit for a bit (about 86). Then we started painting walls together in all 4 Boros (SI don't count LOL). I was chilling at his house, his mom inviting me for dinner, staying up all night doing blackbooks... Yo, for real, he was my best friend at the time. We would go to Case2's crib, racking, blah, blah, blah.